Proceedings of the 24th Conference in Memory of Professor Joseph M. Tronsky June 22–24, 2020
Contents. Part I
- Mihaylova B. L’expression de l’amour dans les langues indo-européennes anciennes. 9
- Duvakin E. N. Wind knots and stone roots: a steppe influence on North European folklore. 24
- Repanšek L. The accentual profile of Vedic nominal paradigms. 41
- Voloshina O. A. Vidhi rules in the grammar of Panini as an instruction for building the word forms.. 65
- Scala A. Short and long present inflection in Romani. 73
- Iliadi A. I. Iranian Relicts in the Slovak Historical Toponymy — III. 76
- Ivanenko O. V. The Circumpontic region ethnonymicon. II (Ἀγαυóι = Σαῖοι = Παραλάται = Σκύϑαι = Σκóλοτοι?). 86
- Kazansky N. N. Mycenaean masculine name ma-di and Greek names Σμέρδις, Σμερδίης, Σμέρδιος, Σμέρδης. 107
- Lebedev A. V. Democritus on Iranian magi and ancient religion: a quotation from Avesta (Yt. I,7) in Democritus fr. 580 Luria (B30 DK). 129
- Corso A. Classical Greek statues made by important masters described in the epigrams of Evenus of Paros. 151
- Vasileva I., Kisilier M. Where does Odysseus sail to? About a mythmaking project of Nikos Kazantzakis. 157
- Petrosyan A. Y. The saussurean anagrams of the «Song of Vahagn». 181
- Kocharov P. A. PIE *kieu-e/o- ‘move’ as a lexico-morphological isogloss. 190
- Mouton A., Yakubovich I. S. Proleptic Construction in the Luwian Language. 206
- Lyutikova E. A. , Sideltsev A. V. Voice alternations in Hittite non-finite verbal forms. 234
- Shatskov A. V. Resultative and perfect in Hittite. 264
- Duerrschnabel Ch. V. Greek and Latin defixiones and Prayers for Justice within the context of Mediterranean Ritual Texts. 274
- Alexandrov B. E. The formula ana/ištu sag-du-šu/ši in legal texts from Hittite Emar. 276
- Toporova T. V. About the Old-Germanic ethnological myth (on the origin of the Germanic tribes). 302
- Sorokina E. A. A note on the graphic variability of Old English gedryht / gedriht. 311
- Yatsenko M. V. Poetics of the Old English Christian Epic: Means of Conveying the Allegorical Senses of the Biblical Plot in the Poem “Exodus”.. 325
- Bondar’ V. A. From resultative to anterior: on the history of English past perfect tense.. 339
- Ganina N. Die Verwandtschaftsterminologie im lübischen Recht. 353
- Bondarko N. A. Syntactic Transformations in Late Medieval German Translations from Latin (William of St-Thierry and Birgitta of Sweden). 363
- Naiditsch L. ‚Haus‘ und ‚Hof‘ in den deutschen Inselmundarten der Ukraine in den 1920er Jahren nach dem Archiv von Viktor Schirmunski. 383
- Kuzmenko Yu. K. On the interpretation of the inscription on the helmet B from Negau. 395
- Parina E. «Multiple origin» as a useful concept for analysing borrowings into Middle Welsh. 422
- Mikhailova T. A. The use of 2 Sg. in Irish marginal lyrics: an interpretation. 430
- Blažienė G. Baltische Spuren in Ortsnamen Europas?. 443
- Lemeškin I. (Re)construction vs. reading of an ancient Prussian text. 466
- Andreev A. V. The system of clitics in M. Daukša’s texts. 480
- Sobolev A. N. Dialect coherence of the speech production in Timok patoi of Serbian (on the data from the Petruša idiom in Knjaževac municipality). 486
- Domosiletskaya M. V. Terminology of dairy production in the dialect of the Macedonian village Peshtani (based on MDABL — «Minor Dialect Atlas of the Balkan languages»). 504
- Konior D. V. Perception of borders and local vernaculars by Western Bulgarian Torlak people. 538
- Kisilier M. Ότι, που and πως in Standard Modern Greek. 554
- Bondar L. D. One Montenegrin document from archive papers of P. A. Lavrov: about the ethnographic interests of the academician and the Montenegrin Vučković family. 578
- Zhugra A. V. Figure of the Narrator in Albanian epos. 593
- Podossinov A. V. Alter orbis terrarum: «other worlds» in ancient geography. 607
- Shumilin M. V. Linguistic Peculiarities in the Passio Susannae (BHL 7937). Phonology and Orthography. 632
- Chernyak A. B. Passive voice in Itinerarium Egeriae. W. van Oorde on the language of Itinerarium Egeriae. 663
- Bratukhin A. Yu. Soteriological terminology of Clement of Alexandria (ἀνάπαυσις and κατάπαυσις). 669
- Khor’kova I. V. On the source base of “Adversus nationes”: Valerius Antias. 679
- Danilov E. S. Use of securitas in Latin epigraphic finds from Roman Africa: general observations. 694
- Mirolyubov I. A. Was Emperor Licinius Hostile to Education?. 703
- Kulishova O. V., Panteleev A. D. Controversy about the spectacles in the Late Roman Empire (according to the literary and hagiographic tradition). 712
- Afinogenov D. E. Pejorative connotations of the ethnonym “Syrian” in some 9th century Byzantine literary works. 724
- Alexeev A. A. The Greek βαπτισμός and its Slavonic and Russian equivalent krъštenie. 732
- Molkov G. A. On the causes for the emergence of the common graphic system in the Old Russian writing. 744
- Falileyev A. I. In provincia Russlond: fragments on Novgorod in a XV c. manuscript. 756
- Kareva N. V., Kuznetsova N. A. Poetic and grammatical figures in “Materials for Russian Grammar” by Mikhail Lomonosov. 768
- Ilyushechkina E. V. From the history of the Classical Philology-3: Humanistic Commentary by Stephanus Aquaeus on the Naturalis historia by Pliny the Elder. 785
- Vorobyev G. Theodore Gaza’s neologisms in -cilla/-cula and the role of sixteenth-century reference books in the formation of ornithological nomenclature. 794
- Ilyina K. A. Old and new authorities in Russian classic studies in 1830–1840. 819
- Kaganovich B. S., Wolfzun L. B. Materials for I. G. Frank-Kamenetsky’s biography. 822
Contents. Part II
- Lebedev A. V. A study of conceptual metaphor in Heraclitus: metaphorical codes and models of the cosmos. 843
- Nikolaev A. Μαιρα and other Dangerous Women. 885
- Prikhodko E. V. «The prophecy has fallen out» — does this word combination indicate the use of lots?. 894
- Yanzina E. V. , Korneev O. V. Στεφανοῦσθαι, ἡττᾶσθαι, ἱερὸν ποιεῖν. To win a contest or to loose? Some features of the attitude of ancient Greeks towards athletic victories and defeats. 913
- Kharlamova S. A. On a Homeric quotation (Il. XXIV, 527–528) in Plutarch’s «De audiendis poetis». 930
- Braylovskaya A. A. Metric features of athematic dat. sg. inflection in Homeric text. 942
- Davydov T. G. A Ancient Greek words violating the word end rule. 964
- Larionova N. B. Aristophanes about Phidias (Aristoph. Pax 605). 973
- Osipova O. V. Symmetry in Diodorus Siculus’ Bibliotheca. 980
- Belikov G. S. Compositional technique of Maximus of Tyre. 987
- Kazanskaya M. N. Vergilian commentators on Homeric elements in the description of the storm in Aen. I, 81 sq. 999
- Kotova A. V. Comparative analysis of quantitative characteristics of distribution of similes in Virgil’s “Aeneid” and Valerius Flaccus’ “Argonautica”. 1021
- Ivanov S. V. Pons aerius, aereus, aureus, aeneus: on a (pseudo-) problem of medieval Virgilian legends. 1034
- Egorova S. K. Horace as vigneron. 1040
- Zheltov A. Yu., Zheltova E. V. Why the language saves on the case forms, or about the order of cases in Latin. 1047
- Popova I. D. Means of denomination of a rhetorical period in Latin: ambitus and circu(m)itus. 1070
- Bolotov S. G. The second Thurneysen’s law (the law of the nasal clusters), Latin gerundives, Latin nōmina abstrācta in ō, inis, and… Kluge’s law. Pt. V. Clusters with the velars (4). 1080
- Rozhdestvenskaia T. Vs. Some problems of paleographic dating of epigraphy searches of Old Rus’ epigraphy. 1088
- Kruglov V. M. One Addition to The Dictionary of the 18th-century Russian Language:baumeister, bommeister. 1105
- Bratuchina L. V. The author’s interpretation of an antique myth in poem «The Cantos» by E. Pound. 1117
- Bratukhin A. Yu., Shipilova D. A. Priests of Muses and the Farus at Zedlitz. 1126
- Korovina E. V. Jackknife resampling: some remarks about the stability of the language classification. 1135
- Shulyakov L. V. Views on personal eschatology in Hebrew and Greek versions of the Book of Job (Job 14:10–15 and Job 19:25–27). 1141
- Emelianov V. V. Sumerian ezen: ideography and etymology. 1157
- Bogdanov I. V. The modal construction m-SAw ‘the one who is destined’ on the Israel Stele, 25–26 and the features of its use in the Neo-Egyptian. 1167
- Safronov A. V. The history of the «Marshland Wadjet» and the problem of Iranian anthroponyms in the Satrap stela. 1187
- Karlova K. F. Seth as serpent fighter and St. George: continuity of the iconographic type. 1209