Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
T. A. Mikhailova T. A. Mikhailova (Smirnova) M. A. Molina, A. V. Sideltsev G. A. Mol’kov. URSULA ~ ARTULA: on the interpretation of the inscription CIL XIII 3909 Exagoge by Ezekiel the Tragedian and the Book of Exodus Corpus Study of Information Structure and clause borders in Hittite (on the basis of the Middle Hittite letters) Contracted and uncontracted forms of adjectives, participles and verbs in the Milyatino Gospel (pp. 667–678)
T. A. Mikhailova T. A. Mikhailova (Smirnova) M. A. Molina, A. V. Sideltsev G. A. Mol’kov (Lomonosov Moscow State University Russian State University for the Humanities The Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities; The Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences Saint Petersburg State University)
Keywords\n Celtic, Gaulish, Gallo-Latin bilingualism, Latin funerary or votive inscription, CIL XIII 3909. Ezekiel the Tragedian, Exagoge, «Ἐξαγωγή», Book of Exodus, classic Greek tragedy, the Bible, Septuaginta. Hittite, non-canonical word order, enclitic conjunction -ma. history of the Russian language, Milyatino gospel, contracted and uncontracted forms, orthographic irregularities in manuscripts
Pages\n 667–678
A Latin funerary or votive inscription containing a Celtic name could represent a kind of interesting ‘document’ or ‘testimony’ concerning the problem of Gallo-Latin bilingualism in general as well as the late Gaulish sound changes. In the present paper, three different reconstructions of the second part of the inscription from Trier CIL XIII 3909 are suggested. The inscription is carved on the small clay tablet (a tile?), typical of ‘modest burial’. We could suppose the inscription was written not by a professional mason. The first part of the text follows traditional Latin formula: ‘Hic quiescit in pace Ursula qui uix annos XXI’, but the second part could be interpreted as being: 1. completely Latin (with some errors):… Artula kara mater titulum po(suit). But why cara ‘dear’ is applied to Artula and not to Ursula? 2. partly Gaulish: mater ~ matir; titulum ~ titiulum (cf. CIL XIII 5502: moniminto, the same vocalic change?); cara – cf. Iouantu-caro ‘who loves youth’? 3. partly Gaulish with reading – Artula caba. The supposed function, meaning and etymology of this word, presumably Celtic, is discussed in the paper. Ezekiel the Tragedian is the author of a drama entiteled Exagoge which retells the Book of Exodus. It was probably written in the II BC in Alexandria, but our knowledge of the background is scarce. The text was preserved by Eusebius of Caesarea who saved some fragment of the play. Retelling the story of Moses and his escape from Egypt Ezekiel the Tragedian deviates from his source in some ways. The new literary form needs rearranging of the material to suit it best. That is why there are more monologues; all the action goes out of the scene so it can only be known from the speeches. There are some more elements of the classic Greek tragedy. Ezekiel also follows the principle of apologia: he changes some episodes (such as The God’s anger with Moses; the Jewish people complaints and so on) in order to make them look better and avoid a probable negative effect on the audience. Some episodes of the Book of Exodus are omitted by Ezekiel in his play. He misses some of the names and details which made the initial narration more specific. We see that the author of the Exagoge prefers to follow accurate chronology of the actions and aims at systematizing the material. So he changes the order of some events. Treating the original material quite free, Ezekiel adds to his tragedy some new episodes which have no parallels in the Book of Exodus. Thus, we find the description of the Moses’ Dream, and also there is a major expansion of the episode of the Oasis at Elim. This paper is part of the project applying corpus method to the block of the Middle Hittite letters. We carried out a quantitative analysis dedicated to the problems of non-canonical word order in Hittite. It focuses on the question of clause borders, specifically the position allowed for certain clitics, such as proclitic phrase connecting conjuction nu and enclitic adversative conjunction -ma. Their position is leftmost within the clause, however, there are also some rare cases when -ma is clitisized to the first verb in the clause. The paper discusses possible causes for this placement. We also consider other constituents which also behave in a non-canonical way in relation to the left edge of the clause, such as mān, kāša (kāšma), našma, namma. The results from the analysis led us to belief that these constituents are non fully stressed. The paper further discusses a hypothesis of the optional non-stressability of these particles. The article discusses one of the orthographic irregularities in the Milyatino Gospel (XII c) – the use of both contracted and uncontracted forms of adjectives, participles (masculine and neuter of both numbers and feminine singular) as well as the imperfect forms of finite verbs. The number of more archaic uncontracted forms is approximately the same (about one third of the overall number of forms) for all these parts of speech. A detailed study of these forms shows that their orthography variates in different parts of speech. The uncontracted forms of adjectives appear mostly in the end-line position, while the other two groups of forms do not. It is very likely that this distinctive feature is connected with different status of adjectives, participles, and imperfect forms in the dialect of scribes. Adjectives were common for their speech and, thus, the scribes could work out a special orthographic strategy for them while other two groups belonged to the literary church language, and their spelling in the Milyatino Gospel followed the tradition.
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