Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
M. N. Kazanskaya. (pp. 343–367)
M. N. Kazanskaya (Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Keywords\n scholia; glossographers; Pindar; Homer; φρένες (ἀμφι)μέλαιναι; φρένες λευκαί; Alexandrian philology and poetry
Pages\n 343–367
Pindar’s expression λευκαῖς πιθήσαντα φρασίν (Pyth. 4, 109-110) has puzzled not only modern philologists, but also ancient readers. Ancient scholiasts and glossographers usually sought to define its meaning by contrasting it with the Homeric formula φρένες (ἀμφι)μέλαιναι, and on this point the Homeric and the Pindaric exegetical tradition (to Hom. Il. 1, 103- 104 and Od. 4, 661-662, and to Pind. Pyth. 4, 109-110, accordingly) evolved in unison. The article traces different approaches to the question of the colour epithets applied to φρένες, attempting to reconstruct, where possible, the arguments used by ancient scholars. Despite the fact that none of these interpretations is immune to criticism, the study of scholia and glosses gives us a glimpse of the richness of ancient exegesis: only few among the proposed solutions are not supported by a solid philological argumentation.
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