Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
I. V. Rybakova. Alexandrian Poets and Pindar (pp. 754–766)
I. V. Rybakova (Russian State University for the Humanities)
Keywords\n Pindar, the Fourth Pythian of Pindar, Alexandrian poetry, Callimachus, Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica
Pages\n 754–766
In this paper I would like, first, to describe briefly the problem of correlation between Alexandrian poetry, represented mainly by its leader, Callimachus, and Pindar's poetry. My aim is to illustrate the specific character of this correlation in an abstract by Apollonius Rhodius, a poet whose work is less often compared with Pindar's odes. My purpose is to outline existing parallels between the poetics of Pindar’s epinician and the ideas and ways of expression typical of Alexandrian poets (many of those were already noted by other researchers), as well as to show affinity in the perception of Pindar's heritage by representatives of various genres of Hellenistic poetry. Thus, this specific case will serve to underline once again the internal unity of Alexandrian poetic program as realized by various poets in various genres: be it Callimachus in his hymns and epigrams or Apollonius in his epic poem.
поэзия, Каллимах, Аполлоний Родосский, «Аргонавтика»
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