Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
E. G. Rabinovitch. The most ancient Philostratus (Suda. Ф 422) (pp. 737–753)
E. G. Rabinovitch (The Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities (IASH), Russian State University for the Humanities)
Keywords\n Philostratus I, Philostratus II, Nero, Antipater, Peregrine Proteus
Pages\n 737–753
Suda presents Philostratus I as “a father of Philostratus II” and “who lived under Nero”, although Philostratus II was born after AD 160. “Under Nero” usually is regarded as a mistake, because three works, listed in Suda, could not be written in the 1st century (“Nero”) or even before AD 165 (“On the Name” and “Proteus”). The paper argues that “Nero” and “On the Name” could be written by an author, who lived under Nero, and “Proteus” is a well-known work of Lucian – thus, all three are of no use for dating time of Philostratus I.
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