Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
E. A. Glebova. The study of spatial isoglosses of the south-west Indoeuropean dialectal continuum and the problem of the existence of Italic language union (pp. 202–208)
E. A. Glebova (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University)
Keywords\n spatial isoglosses, language union, Italic languages, dialectal continuume, Latin-Faliscan and Oscan-Umbrian dialects
Pages\n 202–208
Ancient differences within the Italic language family (Latin-Faliscan and Oscan-Umbrian dialects) can be explained by the character of their relationships in the form of the parallel development of the two groups of closely related dialects.It is not an acquired structural similarity of dialects which co-existed in the same territory as a language union. Both similarities and differencesbetween the Italic dialect groups are genetically determined.
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