Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
A. W. Belousov. G. Blažienė A New Magic Inscription from Pantikapaion necropolis: Preliminary report. Noch eimal zum altpreussischen und zu den altpreussischen Eigennamen in den geschichtlichen Quellen des deutschen Ordens (pp. 66–78)
A. W. Belousov. G. Blažienė (Lomonosov Moscow State University Institute of the Lithuanian Language)
Keywords\n Greek epigraphy, Greek magic, northern Black Sea region, Pantikapaion, anonymous god, untimely dead. sources of the Teutonic Order, Prussian language, proper names, appellatives, relics of the Prussian language
Pages\n 66–78
A newly found magic inscription on lead is analyzed in the article. In the inscription there is only one word – ἀνώνυμος, however, it is repeated about twenty times. The author suggests that this is an appeal to the restless spirits of the untimely dead. The article can be called a sequel of a certain series dedicated to the rendering of Prussian proper names in the sources of the Teutonic Order written in Latin and German. It would be the third article of the sequel. The first two were also printed in the material of the readings in memory of Professor Iosif Moiseevich Tronski. It is important to note that the articles of such type perfectly fit in these collections because scientists working with sources and highly versed in classical languages publish their articles in them. In this case, we should speak about the late Latin language as the majority of the documents written by the chancellery of the Teutonic Order are written in it. This is not the first time that the author speaks about the necessity to come back to source studies hiding the yet-to-be-discovered deposits of Prussian proper names and Prussian lexis. The article looks back at Prussian appellatives, e.g. sweykis , ‘horse (plough horse) used for ploughing’, recorded in the folios of the Order. Such facts were discovered in the 19th century; they were subsequently forgotten by asserting that no Prussian appellatives were recorded in the documents of the Order. The author, who has the experience of working with manuscript sources of the Teutonic Order since 1995, noticed and asserted for a few times that, for instance, the facts of the Prussian language considered place names by Georg Gerullis are none other than appellatives. The article focuses on a document written by the chancellery of the German Order in 1258, which is a first-time record of such an immense number of Prussian proper names in the history of the Prussian linguistics. Like the document discussed in previous articles, this document is also a land division act whereby Sambia and the Vistula Spit were divided into three parts. Heinrich, the bishop of Sambia, chose the part where Quednau was located. Land division acts contain a lot of proper names, which in the case concerned are accompanied by appellatives moter, polca, cholovach (*kalvaka) discussed by Gerullis as place names or at least their constituent part. The article addresses Prussian proper names accompanied by the afore- mentioned appellatives and the appellatives themselves, which can possibly be considered Prussian geographical terms, which had already been in circulation as early as the mid-13th century.
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