Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
Yu. K. Kuzmenko The shortened variant of the runic spell with -istil(aR) (pp. 513–541)
Yu. K. Kuzmenko (Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Pages\n 513–541
The runic sequence rmþï in the inscription on the runic stone from By (KJ 71, 6th c.), a part of a runic inscription on the bracteat from Halsskov (5th-6th c., DR Br 56) þmhlï(?), a runic graffito þmkr from the hoard from Kliukowicze (D 16, 9th c.) and the runic sequence þmkrhli on the medieval stone amulet from Vedslet (DR 57, 12th–14th c.) which did not have any interpretation are treated in the article as shortened variants (only initial runes) of a known protective runic spell consisting of rhymed words with initial runes þ, m, k, r and the runic sequence -istil(aR) written in a special way, cf. the runic inscription on the Gørlev stone (DR 239) þmkiiissstttiiilll. The inscription on the stone from By can be interpreted as r(istilaR) ‘instrument for carving runes’, cf. rista runor ‘to carve runes’, m(istilaR) ‘mistletoe’, þ(istilaR) ‘thistle’, ï (the rune is used in the meaning of its name ‘yew’, which was one of the most protective runes in the futhark). In the inscription on the bracteat from Halsskov the shortened forms of þ(istilaR) and m(istilaR) is followed by the word hlï ‘protection’ (cf. OI hlé ‘protection’). The same word (hli) follows the sequence þmkr þ(istil), m(istil), k(istil) ‘a little box’, r(istil)) in the runic inscription on the medieval stone amulet from Vedslet. The shortened variant of the same formula only without a word hli can be found in the runic graffito þmkr on an arabic coin from the hoard in Klukowicze (D 163, 9th–10th c.). The argumentation for this interpretation is preceded by the analysis of all known runic -istil(aR) formulae as well as by the discussion of the supernatural (first of all apothrophic) function of thistle and mistletoe in the early Germanic world. Keywords runic inscriptions in the elder and younger futharks, medieval runic inscriptions, runic spells, the runic formula istil(aR), mistletoe, thistle.
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