V. V. Kozak Reflections of Slavic-Romance contacts in the Glagolitic inscriptions (XIth–XVIIIth centuries) from the Krk island (pp. 401–410)
V. V. Kozak (Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Pages\n 401–410
The article deals with the languistic (cultural, ethnic, social) contacts between the Slavic and the Romance population of the Krk island in the VIIth–XIXth centuries as they are reflected in the lexicon of the Glagolitic inscriptions of the XIth–XVIIIth centuries. It is ascertained that the total number of the Latin/ Romance borrowings in the language of the Glagolitic inscriptions amounts to 10 %. The analysis of their thematic distribution shows that the confessional and juridical grounds formed the basis for the integration for all groups of population. It is testified by the Romance borrowings in the Glagolitic sources – both ecclesiastical (kaštald ‘gastald’, opat ‘abbot’, plovan ‘senior priest’, krizma ‘chrism’, križ ‘cross’ etc.) and juridical terms (dotati ‘subsidize’, ered ‘heir’, ištrumenat ‘official document’, fondament ‘fund’).
the Krk island, Glagolitic script, epigraphy, lexicon, borrowings, language contacts, Latin, Slavic and Romance languages.
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