Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
S. G. Bolotov [The second] Thurneysen’s law (the law of the nasal clusters), Latin gerundives, Latin nomina abstracta in -ō, -inis, and… Kluge’s law. Pt. I. Clusters with the dentals (pp. 62–71)
S. G. Bolotov (Moscow)
Pages\n 62–71
The article analyzes examples and counter-examples for Thurneysen’s law (chronologically, the 2nd of the four possibly bearing his name), i.e. Tn (tn, dn, dhn), Kn (kn, gn, ghn), Pn (pn, bn, bhn) to nd, ŋg, mb transition, or conversely to nn, ŋn, mn, the thesis being about its dependence on the (pre-historical) movable Latin accent [namely nd, ŋg, mb follow the unaccented root vowel, while nn, ŋn, mn follow the accented one; the suffixes contain d, g, b in place of nd, ŋg, mb; former nTn (ntn, ndn, ndhn), ŋKn (ŋkn, ŋgn, ŋghn), mPn (mpn, mbn, mbhn) always result in nd, ŋg, mb]. In this connection the provenance of the Latin gerundive is discussed (as going back to ‑nt‑participle  adjectival ‑in‑ via syncopation of ‑nt-in‑ to ‑ntn‑ and then to ‑nd‑). Keywords. Latin (language), (the 2nd) Thurneysen’s law [the law of the nasal clusters], pandō-rule [pandō-effect], Kluge’s law, Lachmann’s law, V. A. Dybo’s shortening (of the Latin legths), (obstruent) stops [occlusives]  n, (Latin, Germanic) movable [free] stress [pitch, accent], Grimm’s law(s), Werner’s law.
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