Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
L. Repanšek Καλαμαντία (Ptol. II, 11, 15) (pp. 780–790)
L. Repanšek (Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Pages\n 780–790
The article attempts to provide a satisfactory etymological solution to the place-name Καλαμαντία, noted once by Ptolemy in his Geographia and resurfacing several times in modern toponymy of the Eastern Alpine region. On the basis of the proposed etymology (a denominal derivative to *kolH-mo- ‘rising (up)’ vel sim.) it is argued that the combined evidence of the place-name’s historical phonology and morphology (word formation), coupled with its distribution does not allow for a Celtic or a Pannonian approach. As far as the label can be considered useful and/or applicable in such cases, an «Old European» origin (i. e. at least as far as the historical phonology and word formation are concerned) for this set of names is critically considered. Keywords: Kalamantía, etymology, paleolinguistics, onomastics.
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