- Author
- N. V. Kareva, A. K. Filippov (Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Pages\n 341–357
- Summary\n
- The “New French Grammar Composed in Questions and Answers” (Rus. “Новая францусская грамматика, сочиненная вопросами и ответами”, 1752) was the Russian translation of an anonymous German book “Neue und vollständige Französische Grammatik in Frag und Antwort abgefasset” (1749) made by V. Teplov. Both German and Russian grammars contain a list of various French proverbs. The comparison of French proverbs and their German and Russian translations made it possible to ascertain several distinct principles V. Teplov followed while translating French proverbs into Russian. The study also revealed various differences between the original French proverbs and their Russian and German equivalents.
- Keywords\n
- 18th century, Russian Academy of Sciences, translation, French language, German language, proverbs, paramiology
- References\n
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Author B. A. Kayachev Affiliation Saint Petersburg Title Walking barefoot on hoarfrost (Virgil, Eclogues 10.49 and Propertius 1.8.7) Pages 358–362
- Summary\n
- At Virgil, Eclogues 10.49 and Propertius 1.8.7, Lycoris and Cynthia appear (if only in imagination) walking barefoot on hoarfrost, a motif that may have been introduced by Gallus. While Gallus’ and Propertius’ concern for their girlfriends’ tender feet is usually seen as merely a means to stop them from going away, an intertext in Bion points in a different direction. Lycoris and Cynthia are prepared to risk hurting their delicate feet, not because they want to leave Gallus and Propertius (like Daphne fleeing Apollo at Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.508–509), but because they want to follow the poets’ rivals (like Aphrodite searching for Adonis at Bion, Adonis 21–22). Yet this does not explain why the girls are imagined to be treading barefoot specifically on frosted ground. A relevant literary precedent is found in Alcibiades’ account of Socrates’ endurance in the Potidaea campaign, when he ἀνυπόδητος διὰ τοῦ κρυστάλλου ῥᾷον ἐπορεύετο ἢ οἱ ἄλλοι ὑποδεδεμένοι (Plato, Symposium 220b). As has been shown by others, barefooting is one of the many details that assimilate Socrates to Eros (203d), thus emphasising his role as the ideal ἐραστής. Insofar as they are willing to put their unshod feet on hoarfrost, Lycoris and Cynthia too are revealed to be followers of Eros.
- Keywords\n
- Virgil, Propertius, Gallus, Plato, Socrates, Eros.
- References\n
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