M. V. Skrzhinskaya (Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
Pages\n 838–844
The article deals with the analysis of Olbian inscriptions dating back to the period between the 5th cent. BC to the 3rd cent. AD in which awards to compatriots and foreigners are mentioned. The Greeks gave awards for important political, military and economic services to their state. Olbian inscriptions mention crowning with a golden wreath, erection of a statue of a person, placement of a marble stele with an honorable decree in a conspicuous place of the city, and also granting citizenship and trade concessions to foreigners. Among the sport prizes that survived to modern times there are two prize amphoras for horse racing championship and a postament of a statue of run race winner.
The ancient Northern Coast of the Black Sea, statue, golden wreath, honorable inscription on stone, proxenia, sports awards.
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