Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
M. L. Kisilier, V. V. Fedchenko Some remarks on archaic phenomena in Modern Greek dialects (pp. 368–373)
M. L. Kisilier, V. V. Fedchenko (Saint Petersburg State University, Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Pages\n 368–373
The article presents some examples of archaic phenomena in Greek dialects. The research is focused on the idioms of the Greek diaspora which have been developing in isolation from Standard Greek and on the Tsakonian dialect as well. These dialects have not undergone several innovative changes as Standard Modern Greek did. The process of archaization is interpreted both as a result of the intrastructural language development and as a conscious use of archaisms motivated by stylistic or ideological considerations. Examples from the Greek dialects material are provided for both types of archaization and mixed cases are analyzed. An ancient origin (Doric, Ionian) is traced back for some dialect peculiarities. The archaic features are mostly observed on the phonetic level. This allows us to conclude that those are the phonetic inconsistencies which make an idiom incomprehensible to speakers of other Greek dialects and of Standard Modern Greek.
Modern Greek dialects, archaic phenomena, phonetics, archaization.
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