Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
M. L. Khorkov The concept of conscience in the sermons of John Tauler and its eucharistic context (pp. 946–953)
M. L. Khorkov (RAS Institute of Philosophy)
Pages\n 946–953
The paper investigates context of the use of the term “conscience” in the sermons by John Tauler, showing its certain theoretical consistensy. It consists in the fact that the main context of the use of the term “conscience” in Tauler's writings is determined by the discourse on Eucharist. The central element of his understanding of conscience is therefore the intention to interpret it as a metaphysical and ontological, not as a prima facie moral category. Conscience is a form of human self-knowledge, as it is evident in the etymology of the German word gewissen and in the interpretations of the Latin term conscientia by the German authors of the Middle Ages. It also seems noteworthy for the history of the reception of Tauler’s texts that the frequency of use of the word conscientia increases in the 15th century together with the Dutch translation of his sermons. Keywords John Tauler, German medieval sermons, Tauler in the Netherlands.
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