M. I. Novikova Latin faxo and Venetic vha.g.s.to (pp. 727–736)
M. I. Novikova (Saint Petersburg State University)
Pages\n 727–736
The Latin language has a number of sigmatic future verb forms of the so-called faxo-type ‘I shall make’. There are different views on the origins of the faxo-type: some believe it go back to the Indo-European desiderative, others connect it with the Indo-European sigmatic aorist. Closely connected with this problem is the interpretation of the Venetic data and the relation between the Venetic form vha.g.s.to ‘he made’ and the Latin faxo-type. In the article, it is shown that, albeit the similar stem structure, Latin and Venetic sigmatic formations differ in the type of the suffix. The faxo-type is then considered to be a desiderative formation whereas the Venetic sigmatic forms go back to the sigmatic aorist.
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