Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
K. V. Kharitonova Pragmaticalization of Adverbs in Sanskrit (Based on verbal markers of authority in Manusmṛti) (pp. 935–945)
K. V. Kharitonova (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Pages\n 935–945
Traditionally indeclinable words in Sanskrit are joined into the class called avyaya. It is difficult to set criteria for dividing this class into smaller lexical-grammatical groups. There are some polyfunctional words serving as both prepositions (preverbs) and adverbs. However, the separation is needed, because various parts of speech have various meanings, and we should consider it in the process of translation. It is worth noticing that there are some other classes of words having the same grammatical characteristics as adverbs. On the other hand, these words lose their lexical meaning and they are used not as adverbs but as discourse markers. Therefore, it is also important to examine such bifunctional words and the pragmaticalization process. I argue that Sanskrit texts like Manusmṛti can be considered as the components of discourse. At the example of verbal markers of authority I try to describe bifunctional words in Sanskrit. Later on, it will help to set the criteria for division of avyaya into lexical-grammatical groups of adverbs, discourse markers, prepositions etc. Keywords: Sanskrit, indeclinable words, adverbs, pragmaticalization, discourse markers, polyfunctional words, Manusmṛti
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