Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
F. Eloeva, E. Sausverde Culture Hero As a Former Intriguer (pp. 229–241)
F. Eloeva, E. Sausverde (Saint Petersburg State University, Vilnius University, Lithuania)
Pages\n 229–241
This paper deals with the question that has been extensively discussed in the Indo-European comparative mythology. It is the question of the parallels and affinities which can be observed between certain epic and mythological characters – Ancient Greek Prometheus, Syrdon of the Narts’ epos and Scandinavian Loki. Previously the three characters have been examined in pairs – Prometheus versus Loki, Loki versus Syrdon. Researchers studied them mostly on the synchronic level, statically, attempting in this way to reconstruct the proto-stage. The aim of the paper was to examine their development diachronically, in evolution. It seems that this comparison will help us to demonstrate the general pattern of evolution which can be described as (chthonian) deity > trickster > cultural hero. Attention is focused on the question of whether the semantic development attributed to certain characters – chthonian deity, trickster, culture hero – correlates with the transformation and the changing value of the idea of progress within different cultures. When discussing a culture hero it seems fitting to refer to the Greek material (Hesiod) because it was the Greek written tradition that recorded the earlier stages of myth. Already in Aeschylus one can trace the future transformation of metaphor into symbol and allegory and observe how myth becomes literature. Presumably, using the Greek model, one can reconstruct a plausible itinerary of the hero’s transformation. Scandinavian and Ossetian material does not offer this possibility, so to analyze it, we can resort to analogy. It should be stressed that comparing Scandinavian and Ossetian material some new affinities and parallels between the characters of Syrdon and Loki were found.
trickster, cultural hero, chthonian deity, Syrdon of the Narts’ epos, Scandinavian Loki, Prometheus.
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