E. V. Zheltova On the language egocentrism and anomalous paradigms in Latin (pp. 252–263)
E. V. Zheltova (Saint Petersburg State University)
Pages\n 252–263
The author makes an attempt to explain why the first person singular forms in Latin are marked with special suffixes comparing to the other forms in the paradigms of the Future (-a- instead of -e-) and the Future Perfect (-er- instead of -eri-). The suffix -a- is also used for the Pres. Subj., and its first person singular is homonymous with the Future first person singular that creates the ambiguity in some contexts, but is not the reason to unify the paradigm of the Future. As for the -eri- suffix it is also used for the Perf. Subj. and creates the homonymous forms for all the persons in its paradigm but one – the first person singular. In both cases it is the first person singular that is specifically singled out in Latin. From the typological point of view the singling out of the speaker is not a rare phenomenon and can by expressed by different means in the languages (i.e. morphologically, pragmatically etc.). The author of the paper explains this phenomenon as a manifestation of language egocentrism. The first person singular is one of the egocentric elements (or indexicals) that serve to express the subjectivity of the language and to give a special status to the speaker. The analysis of many occurrences of the forms dicam (Future / Pres. Subj.), dixero (Future Perf.) and dixerim (Perf. Subj.) in the Cicero’ s corpus, as well as numerous parallels from the other languages help the author to substantiate this hypothesis.
the Latin language, deixis, indexicals, subjectivity, modality, Future tense, Subjunctive mood.
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