E. M. Matveev Poetical illustrations in M. V. Lomonosov’s “Brief Guide to Eloquence” (pp. 635–646)
E. M. Matveev (Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Pages\n 635–646
The article focuses on poetical works which serve as illustrations of various theoretical statements in M. V. Lomonosov’s «Brief Guide to Eloquence» (1747). The analysis of metrical repertoire reveals that poetical illustrations in Lomonosov’s treatise on rhetoric represent a model of Lomonosov’s metric system as a whole. All poetical translations in the «Brief Guide to Eloquence» (unlike the prosaic ones) are translations from the Ancients. They are usually given without rhymes, however, some passages are emphasized with rhymes. Poetical illustrations, apart from Lomonosov's original poetical works and translations as such, include Biblical paraphrases in metres, free translations, and proverbs. Poetical illustrations prevail in the group of the original illustrations. Thus, the main aim of M.V. Lomonosov was to compose a treatise on rhetoric – not just to compile. Keywords: M. V. Lomonosov, a treatise on rhetoric, poetical illustrations, metrical repertoire, original poetical works and translations.
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