Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
A. V. Shatskov Another verbal suffix in Hittite? (pp. 987–995)
A. V. Shatskov (Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Pages\n 987–995
Hittite verbs hassikk- ‘to satiate oneself’ and malikk- ‘to become weak’ have an obscure stem-final ‑kk‑, which did not belong to the root, as is clear from the comparison with Pal. has- and Hitt. malisku- respectively. In several more verbs, like hark- ‘to perish’, the final ‑k- is also likely to be a suffix. The function of this suffix which already was not productive in Old Hittite is unclear but it can tentatively be compared to ‑κ‑ of the perfect stem in Greek.
morphology, etymology, Hittite, comparative linguistics, suffix, verb.
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