Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
A. V. Kotova A series of similes in the Aeneid XII (pp. 431–441)
A. V. Kotova (Saint Petersburg State University)
Pages\n 431–441
The article touches upon a series of similes in the Aeneid XII. The series consists of four similes: Turnus – falling boulder (684–692); Aeneas – Athos, Eryx and Appenninus (697–703); Aeneas and Turnus – two bulls (715–724); Aeneas chases Turnus – a hunting dog chasing a stag (746–755); all of them are analyzed in the paper. The author draws two conclusions: firstly, this series of similes is symmetric; secondly, the first and the second similes are reflected in the fourth one: Turnus falls – battles – is chased; Aeneas stands – battles – chases.
Virgil, Aeneid, Book XII, similes, static character, dynamic character, symmetry
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