- Author
- A. I. Zolotukhina (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
- Pages\n 285–294
- Summary\n
- The paper deals with Crito 44 a-b, a prophetic dream told by Socrates, and left without explanation as if its meaning was clear. Two interpretations are suggested in the paper. 1) Cicero (De div. I 52–53) gives a description of a prophetic dream in Aristotle’s Eudemus which is very similar to that in Crito. He provides an explanation: a return in this dream means death. In both dialogues, this meaning is not evident without Phaedo. This observation means that both Eudemus and Crito are posterior to Phaedo, while Crito may also be posterior to Eudemus. 2) The author of Crito may have been familiar with the so-called ‘logical fatalism’ of the Megarian school. The principle of this school is formulated by Diodorus Cronus as following: “the possible is that which either is or will be”, i.e. everything that is possible will take place in the future (as, e.g., Cicero puts it in De fato 17). The Homeric verse in Crito is part of a potential conditional clause: a true statement in Diodorus’ logical system. It may be one of the arguments why Socrates in Crito is so certain about the veracity of his dream. On the other hand, this interpretation is chronologically interesting, as in the late Academy there was a polemic between the megarians and Aristotle about logical determinism: Aristotle refuted it in De interpretatione 9 – a part of Organon that is attributed by I. Düring to early 350s. These debates may have been a philosophical context of Crito as well.
- Keywords\n
- Crito, Aristotle, dream, divination, Academy, Cicero, logical fatalism, the Megarian school, Diodorus Cronus.
- References\n
- Zolotukhina A. I. Mesto Kritona v Platonovskom korpuse: nekotorye zamechaniya [On the position of Crito in the Corpus Platonicum]. Platonovskiy sbornik [Plato Collection], vol. I. M.; SPb.: RGGU–RKhGA, 2013, pp. 141–160. (In Russ.).
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- Düring I. Aristoteles, Darstellung und Interpretation seines Denkens. Heidelberg, 1966.
- Gaskin R. The Sea Battle and the Master Argument. Aristotle and Diodorus Cronus on the Metaphysics of the Future. Berlin; New York, 1995.
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- Gigon O. Prolegomena to an edition of the Eudemus. Aristotle and Plato in the Mid-Fourth Century, Papers of the Symposium Aristotelicum held at Oxford in 1957. I. Düring, G. E. L. Owen (eds.). Göteborg, 1960, pp. 19–33.
- Kahn Ch. H. Plato and the Socratic dialogue. The philosophical use of a literary form. Cambridge, 1996.
- Kramer S. Socrates’ Dream: Crito 44a-b. The Classical Journal, 1988, vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 193–197.
- Kneale W., Kneale M. The Development of Logic. Oxford, 1962.
- Moser A. H. The Dream of Socrates. The Classical Weekly, vol. 39, no. 6, 1945, pp. 45.
- Muller R. (tr. et comm. par). Les Megariques, Fragments et temoignages. Paris, 1985.
- Prantl C. Geschichte der Logik im Abendlande, I. Graz, 1955.
- von Fritz K. Megariker. REPW, Suppl, vol. 5. Stuttgart, 1931. Col. 707–724.
- von Fritz K. Schriften zur griechischen Logik. Band 2. Stuttgart, 1978.
- Walzer R. Aristotelis dialogorum fragmenta. Firenze, 1934.
- Wardle D. (transl. with intr. and comm. by). Cicero, On Divination, book 1. Oxford, 2006.
- White Michael J. Facets of Megarian Fatalism: Aristotelian Criticisms and the Stoic Doctrine of Eternal Recurrence. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 10, no. 2 (Jun., 1980), pp. 189–206.
Author S. V. Ivanov Affiliation Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences Title The snail and the snow: transformations in translation as an instrument of textual criticism and comparative analysis (on the basis of the Russian Lucidarius) Pages 295–309
- Summary\n
- The paper examines a fragment of the Russian Lucidarius which contains a curious interpretation of the source text. Such cases are of high importance because they shed some light on the history of this translation and provide interesting material for comparison. The Russian fragment is compared to the printed versions of the German Lucidarius as well as to other Slavic (Czech, Croatian, Ukrainian) versions. The fragment in question corroborates the hypothesis that the Russian translation was based on the early Low German print Lübeck 1485, tracing the transformation schnecken ‘snails’ → снѣги ‘snows’ back to the Low German form sniggen faithfully reproduced in one of the copies as изниггень.
- Keywords\n
- Lucidarius, Russian translations from German.
- References\n
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