Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
A. B. Chernyak The term «Romance languages» and brothers von Schlegel (pp. 964–974)
A. B. Chernyak (Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Pages\n 964–974
The aim of the paper is to ascertain the date and the proposer of the linguistic term «Romance languages». The author examines all the corresponding definitions in J. C. Adelung’s «Mithridates» (within 10 pages of the text), W. Wachsmuth’s «Von der lingua rustica latina und romana» (publ. in 1816), F. Raynouard’s «Choix des poésies originales des troubadours» (within 25 pages), Schlegel’s «Observations» (publ. in 1818) as well as in F. Diez’ «Ueber die provenzalische Sprache» and comes to the conclusion that Schlegel was the first to use the term under consideration and F. Diez followed him.
Romance languages, Neolatin languages, J. C. Adelung, W. Wachsmuth, F. Raynouard, А. von Schlegel, F. Diez.
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