A. A. Trofimov On the etymology of PIE *ku̯sep- ‘night’ (pp. 899–909)
A. A. Trofimov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Pages\n 899–909
In this paper we examine the PIE root *ku̯sep- ‘night’ which is reconstructed on the basis of Hitt. išpant- ‘night’; Old Indic kṣap- ‘night’, Avestan xšap-, xšapan-, xšapar- ‘night’; Greek ψέφας ‘gloom, darkness’ and is treated as the most ancient PIE root designated night by some researchers. We study Hittite words containing (or probably containing) triconsonantal initial clusters in their protoform. Our analysis shows that such clusters were not simplified by a drop of the initial consonant. Instead of that an epenthetic vowel appears between the two first consonants. Some facts demonstrate it was also the case for Proto-Indo-European (compare Greek πεπτός and Latin coctus ‘cooked’ < *peku̯-tó-). It means that the traditional etymology for Hittite išpant- ‘night’ is weak. We also consider the problem of the non-regular sound correspondense IIr. P ~ Greek φ. It is demonstrated that Greek φ can not continue PIE *ph2- as some scholars argue. That is why the connection between Old Indic kṣap- and Greek ψέφας is uncertain. To sum up we think that it is best to treat Hittite, Greek and Indo-Iranian words separately.
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