Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология
. Greek manuscripts in the National Library of Russia and in the St. Catherine’s Monastery on the Sinai. (стр. 605–617)
(The Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences )
Ключевые слова\n Byzantine hymnography, office Menaea, Greek manuscripts in the National Library of Russia, St. Catherine’s Monastery on the Sinai
Страницы\n 605–617
Office Menaion for December RNB. Gr. 89 was brought to the Imperial Public Library by Constantin von Tischendorf in 1859 from his expedition to the Christian East. It attracted attention of the scholars (A. A. Papa- dopoulo-Kerameus, E. E. Granstrem, E. N. Dobrinina etc.) because of its extraordinary and archaic content and was differently dated from 9thc. till 11thc. inclusive. In this article RNB. Gr. 89 (1–10 of December) is established as a part of the manuscript from the Library of St. Catherine’s Monastery Sinait. Gr. 578 (10–31 of December). This Menaion belongs to the set of the liturgical Menaеa for the annual circle (September– Sinait. Gr. 579, October–Sinait. Gr. 563, November–Sinait. Gr. 570,January–Sinait. Gr. 595, March–Sinait. Gr. 610, April–Sinait. Gr. 614, July–Sinait. Gr. 624, August–Sinait. Gr. 631), dating from the turn of the millenium and donated to the Monastery on the Sinai by a certain Pachomius. In 1048/49 the set was broken up into twelve volumes, one for each month, and these volumes were bound by Photius/Philotheus Manoelites from Jerusalem and Nikolaos Askepastos from Calabria, whο left the note. So, this set of Byzantine Menaea appeared not earlier than 10thc. (when St.Lampados of Eirinopolis and St.Thomas of Malea lived) and not later than 1048/1049 (when the Menaea were bound). The calendar of RNB. Gr. 89/Sinait. Gr. 578 reflects the tradition of the Constantinople and differs from the other Menaea of 10th–12thcc. by its encyclopaedic content and principal concern to the new saints of 9thc. and 10thc. This set of the Byzantine office Menaea illustrates the base for the conversion from the Tropologion to the Menaion in the liturgy on the Christian East in 10thc. Also RNB. Gr. 350 is defined as part of Sinait. Gr. 610 (not Sinait. Gr. 595, as considered before).
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