Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
N. N. Kazansky A. V. Kargaltsev N. V. Kareva, M. L. Sergeev. Indo-European Root Extender *-bh- as Rendered in Ancient Greek (Gk. ajleivfw and difavw) Old Latin translations of the Holy Scripture in Roman North Africa The system of articles in P. Restaut’s “Grammar” and the problems of its translation into Russion (pp. 382–408)
N. N. Kazansky A. V. Kargaltsev N. V. Kareva, M. L. Sergeev (Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences Saint Petersburg State University Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences)
Keywords\n the structure of IE roots, root extentions, расширители корня, Ancient Greek Holy Scripture, Arnobius, North Africa, Cyprian, Tertullian, hagiography. XVIIIth century, French language, article, history of linguistics, grammars of foreign languages, St.-Petersburg Academy of Sciences, V. Teplov
Pages\n 382–408
This paper argues on the basis of Grk. ajleivfw that the Indo-European root should be reconstructed in two forms: as a simple root *H2léiHx- / *H2liHx- and as an extended root *H2léibh- / *H2libh-. The presence of the same extender -bh- may be detected in Gk. difavw. The article discusses the main problems of the early Bible translations into Latin that appeared before the time of Jerome on the example of Roman North Africa. The earliest translations of the Scripture into Latin are believed to appear in North Africa, but it can be safely asserted only for the middle of the 3rd century. The article also provides an explanation of why there was a great need in Latin translations in Africa of that period, and not in Rome. The main theories about the origin of the Bible translation in North Africa based on the evidence by Augustine and the Acts of the Scilitan Martyrs are described. The value of this evidence should not be overestimated. Despite the long-standing debate in the historiography about the sources, they poorly clarify the matter of the Bible translations. However, even if the translations had appeared, they would not have spread widely. In small communities outside Carthage, Christians almost did not know the Scripture, nor could they quote it, as it is recorded in hagiographic monuments. In addition, Gospel did not spread beyond the Christian community. As attested by Arnobius who lived in the end of the 3rd century, even catechumens were not familiar with the text, but knew much better about the importance of suffering for their faith. The article asserts that the lack of interest to the Bible translations is partly caused by the fact that the functions of the Christian message were performed not by the Gospel, but by the example of imitation of Christ’s sufferings what is reflected in the rich hagiographic tradition of North Africa. In the article we give a description of translation strategies of V. Teplov, the author of the French language grammar manual «Новая францусская грамматика сочиненная вопросами и ответами» (Saint- Petersburg, 1752) written in Russian. The most part of the manual repeats word by word anonymous «Neue und vollständige Französische Grammatik in Frag und Antwort abgefasset» (1749) written in German; the latter in turn is a compilation of P. Restaut’s «Principes généraux et raisonnées de la grammaire françoise» and other French grammars. In his manual V. Teplov even reproduced some mistakes made by the author of «Neue und vollständige Französische Grammatik», so the paragraphs in which V. Teplov did not follow the source attract attention. The chapter concerning the notion of article posed a problem to such an inexperienced translator as V. Teplov, as there was no available foreign language textbook written in Russian which he could have used to borrow relevant terms and definitions. P. Restaut and earlier French scholars assumed formal and semantical similarity of the four distinguished in French article types – défini, indéfini, partitif and un, une. Not having understood their reasons (important remarks about semantical similarity of the articles were removed by the author of «Neue und vollständige Französische Grammatik»), V. Teplov insisted on similarity of only three out of the four article types (défini, indéfini, partitif) and opposed them to the article un, une, which stood apart formally and acted as a real indefinite article in the XVIIIth century French usus. However, Teplov’s alteration affected neither the structure of the chapter nor the definitions used in the manual: V Teplov translated the German text verbatim, just omitting some explanations addressing a German reader. Thus we conclude that the four article types system in the French language was not clarified properly in «Новая францусская грамматика» by V. Teplov and lost both the semantic and formal motivations.
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