Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
N. A. Nikolaeva. On the chronological position of the most ancient stratum of Indo-European mythology (pp. 717–729)
N. A. Nikolaeva (Moscow Region State University)
Keywords\n cosmogonic myths, chronology, Indo-European mythology
Pages\n 717–729
The most ancient Indo-European myths reflect some turning points in World History. Any attempt to date them is, thus, justified. Comparative analysis of Dolgan World Tree image (as a pole with two crossbars with a bird on top) and the drawing of a broken pole in the scene with the wounded hunter in the Grotte de Lascaux (Dordogne, France, 17 millenium BC) enables us to determine terminus ante quem for the first model of the Universe. The identity of “Pelasgian” and Finnish myths about “Cosmic Egg” makes it possible to consider 12–10 millenium BC as the date of their divergence. Besides, such mythologems as "Wolf God”, “Bow and arrows" from the myths, folklore and epics of Uralic and Altaic peoples, have the same date and characterize the most ancient stratum of the Indo-European mythology as well. The chronological position of these three myphologems endorses the idea on localization of the area of the first contacts among Proto-Indo-European, Proto-Uralic and Proto-Altaic peoples in the Eastern Europe.
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