Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
D. S. Kruglov. Metaphors of Perception in the Texts of Engraved Portraits from Germany in the 17th–18th Centuries and their Medieval Sources (pp. 482–492)
D. S. Kruglov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Keywords\n Medieval German mysticism, Early New High German, texts of engraved portraits, baroque poetry, metaphor, Verse zu Kupferportraits
Pages\n 482–492
The article investigates the metaphorical usage of the word Mund (mouth) in German verses to engraved portraits of clergy, nobles and burgess from the 17th–18th centuries. The copper-plate engravings are kept in the Department of rare books and manuscripts of the Scientific Library of MSU. In the 19th century they belonged to collector F.F. Wiegel and than were presented to the University. For the research were involved 54 portraits with verses. Six of them contain the word Mund. Metaphors with this word were often used in the writings of medieval Christian mystics to describe their visions of God, to express the perception of him. The article analysis examples by Bertold of Regensburg, Lamprecht of Regensburg, Mechtild of Magdeburg, Meister Eckhart, Henry Suso and Johaness Tauler.In addition to them are also described the specifics by two Lutheran writers, Martin Luther and Jakob Böhme. The research shows the continuity between the figurative style of the mystics and the poets who wrote the verses to the portraits. The audial metaphors, based on the word Mund and the verbs hören (hear) and singen (sing), fulfill a structural task in the engraved texts. They provide audialisation in the verbal-iconic art, which is engraving with text and picture. That allows considering creol (e.g. verbaliconic) texts as open structures with many channels of perceiving.
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