Indo-European linguistics and classical philology
A. E. Belikov. Materials for Virgil and Silius Italicus Comparative Vocabulary Research (pp. 22–31)
A. E. Belikov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Keywords\n Silius Italicus, Virgil, poets’ vocabulary
Pages\n 22–31
The paper is dedicated to the structure of I century AD epic poets’ vocabulary with particular focus on Virgil and Silius Italicus. As a result of the statistic research, a great overlap of the lexicon of two poets can be seen. A detailed study of certain passages shows, that Silius Italicus depends on Virgil in his word choice to a considerable degree (sometimes even literal correspondences take place). Rare words not attested in texts before Virgil and his unique combinations of words play an important role in the research. The results not only define the stilistics of Silius Italicus, but can also explain some specific features of the Latin epic language.
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